Forking Around?

Well, that certainly got your attention. I've decided to change the blog around a little and have some fun posting some of the various things we play around with at the studio during non jewellery days. I decided to shoot something simple with simple lighting, and just play with shapes, shadows and contrasts. Out came some utensils from our kitchen drawer. Because the utensils weren't in pristine condition, and not wanting to burden my retouchers with pointless scratch removal, I decided to shoot in a very high contrast, playing more on the silhouette of the object, making a very black and white image. Most of the images on white were shot with a very shallow depth of field of around f4 on the Phase One camera's Macro lens.

Here's a story I created from the shoot: The text is perhaps a touch graphical in nature so be warned :) Images are mostly out of camera with minimal retouching. You can see the lighting diagram for the first image at the end of this post if interested.


Lighting Diagram for the "Go Fork It" image on black: